The Story of Microfibers: The Biggest Little Problem

A Short Film by Story of Stuff Project (video below):

Microfibers in our synthetic clothes is an emerging issue for ocean pollution.  We all wear synthetic clothing like fleece jackets, polyester shirts, and nylon underwear. But few of us are aware that an estimated 1.4 million trillion (!!) microfibers are already corrupting our shared waters and the creatures that inhabit them.  The fibers’ size allows them to be readily consumed by fish and other wildlife. These tiny plastic fibers have the potential to bioaccumulate, concentrating toxins in the bodies of larger animals, higher up the food chain–on a massive scale.

The Story of Stuff Project created the Story of Microfibers cartoon to articulate the problem. Its a bite size story of entertainingly important information. They have also launched a global petition to help spread the word and urge major apparel brands to develop solutions to the BIGGEST little problem in the sea.

Visit the Story of Stuff Project here to learn more about their campaigns and to take action: